В Донецком ботаническом саду 3 ноября состоялась встреча врио Главы ДНР Дениса Пушилина с представителями научного сообщества Республики. Как сообщает корреспондент официального сайта ДНР, участие в мероприятии приняли и.о. министра образования и науки Евгений Горохов, замминистра образования и науки Александр Аноприенко, руководители НИИ и университетов, ведущие ученые Республики.
«В деле восстановления и развития Донецкой Народной Республики на научное и академическое сообщество возлагаются большие надежды. Хотелось, чтобы это были не просто слова, а чтобы они подтверждались нашими совместными действиями. Сейчас, безусловно, нам необходимо опираться на свои возможности, на тот потенциал, который у нас есть. И то количество НИИ, вузов, качество подготовки и уровень специалистов вселяют надежду. Безусловно, необходимо очень много работать в направлении эффективного взаимодействия государства и научного сообщества. Это возможно при условии, что с вашей стороны будет инициатива. Сейчас есть уникальная возможность заявить о себе, это период, когда закладываются приоритеты, но не хватает новых идей и концептуального подхода к развитию нашей промышленности.
Нам необходимо развиваться, и мы рассчитываем на вас, на то, что наши совместные шаги будут определены в самое ближайшее время», — обратился к собравшимся врио Главы ДНР.
В ходе встречи Денис Пушилин ответил на вопросы присутствующих. Прежде всего руководитель Республики рассказал о возможности увеличения финансирования научной сферы по примеру Российской Федерации.
«Мы, конечно же, будем равняться на Россию. Но для этого нам необходимо пополнение бюджета и развитие экономики. Без понимания, откуда брать средства и как развивать экономику, это невозможно. И здесь я тоже рассчитываю на вас, жду предложений, своеобразной «дорожной карты». Мы собрались сегодня для того, чтобы не просто перечислить проблемы, а понять, что нужно делать, какие шаги нужно предпринимать уже завтра, а какие — планировать на годы вперед. Без разработки стратегии и тактических действий сегодня у нас ничего не получится», — отметил он.
Также на мероприятии были подняты и вопросы организационного характера. В частности — о необходимости принятия закона о научно-технической деятельности.
«Действительно, этот вопрос уже назрел, пришло время говорить о принятии закона. Я готов сейчас поставить соответствующие задачи, чтобы в самое ближайшее время провести расширенное заседание комитета, на котором будет понятно, что нужно доработать. И я думаю, что если не до конца текущего, то в начале следующего года этот закон будет принят», — подчеркнул Денис Пушилин.
Особое внимание врио Главы уделил вопросу о распределении денежных средств спецфондов, которые зарабатывают НИИ, а именно — о передаче права распределения самим научным организациям. «Уместное предложение, готов его поддержать. Жду от вас предложений по поводу того, какими нормативными правовыми актами это должно регулироваться. При достаточном контроле здесь можно пойти навстречу. Нужно давать больше полномочий и возможностей с пропорциональным ростом ответственности», — заявил он.
Также в рамках встречи были рассмотрены вопросы, касающиеся создания диссертационных советов, признания документов в России, активизации работы профильных комитетов, выплаты стипендий докторантам и повышения стипендий аспирантам, проведения в ДНР конкурса молодых ученых и научных разработок.
On November 3rd, the Botanic Gardens of Donetsk hosted a meeting of interim Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin and representatives of the academic community of the Republic. According to a correspondent of the DPR official website, the event was attended by acting Minister of Education and Science Yevgeny Gorokhov, Deputy Minister of Education and Science Alexander Anopriyenko; heads of research institutes and universities, leading academics of the Republic.
“We put high hopes on the scientific and academic community in terms of the restoration and development of the Donetsk People’s Republic. I wish these words would rather be confirmed by our joint actions. Now, of course, we need to rely on our capabilities, on the potential that we have. And the number of research institutes, universities, the quality of training and the skill of specialists are encouraging. Of course, it is necessary to work very hard in the area of effective cooperation between the state and the academic community. It is possible if there is an initiative on your part. Now you have got a unique opportunity to declare yourself, this is a period when priorities are set, but we lack new ideas and a conceptual approach to the development of our industry.
We need to develop, and we reckon on you, on the fact that our joint steps will be determined in the near future,” the interim Head of the DPR addressed the audience.
During the meeting, Denis Pushilin answered the questions of those present. First, the leader of the Republic spoke about the possibility of increasing the financing of academia by following the example of the Russian Federation.
“We, of course, will take cues from Russia. But for this we need to replenish the budget and develop the economy. Without understanding where to get money from and how to develop the economy, it will be impossible. And here I reckon on you, I am waiting for your proposals, a kind of “roadmap”. We have gathered today in order not only to list the problems, but to understand what must be done, what steps must be taken tomorrow, and which ones must be planned for the years ahead. Without developing a strategy and tactical actions today, nothing will get done,” he noted.
Also, organizational issues were raised at the event. In particular, the need to adopt a law on scientific and technological activities.
“Indeed, the question is ripe, it’s time to talk about the adoption of the law. I am ready now to charge with appropriate tasks in order to hold an extended meeting of the committee in the near future, where it will be clear what must be refined. And I think that if not late in the year, then at the beginning of the next year, this law will be adopted,” Denis Pushilin stressed.
The interim Head paid particular attention to the issue of the distribution of money of special funds that are earned by scientific research institutes, namely, the transfer of the distribution rights to the scientific organizations themselves. “This is an appropriate proposal, I am ready to support it. I am waiting for your suggestions on what legal acts should regulate it. If there is enough supervision here, I can cooperate. It is necessary to give more powers and opportunities with the proportionally increased responsibility,” he claimed.
Within the framework of the meeting, they also addressed the issues related to the establishment of thesis boards, the recognition of documents in Russia, the revitalization of relevant committees, the payment of scholarships to postdoctoral students and the increase of scholarships for postgraduate students, the competition of postdoctoral researchers and scientific developments in the DPR.
Denis Pushilin met with representatives of the academic community of the Republic (photo & video)
On November 3rd, the Botanic Gardens of Donetsk hosted a meeting of interim Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin and representatives of the academic community of the Republic. According to a correspondent of the DPR official website, the event was attended by acting Minister of Education and Science Yevgeny Gorokhov, Deputy Minister of Education and Science Alexander Anopriyenko; heads of research institutes and universities, leading academics of the Republic.
“We put high hopes on the scientific and academic community in terms of the restoration and development of the Donetsk People’s Republic. I wish these words would rather be confirmed by our joint actions. Now, of course, we need to rely on our capabilities, on the potential that we have. And the number of research institutes, universities, the quality of training and the skill of specialists are encouraging. Of course, it is necessary to work very hard in the area of effective cooperation between the state and the academic community. It is possible if there is an initiative on your part. Now you have got a unique opportunity to declare yourself, this is a period when priorities are set, but we lack new ideas and a conceptual approach to the development of our industry.
We need to develop, and we reckon on you, on the fact that our joint steps will be determined in the near future,” the interim Head of the DPR addressed the audience.
During the meeting, Denis Pushilin answered the questions of those present. First, the leader of the Republic spoke about the possibility of increasing the financing of academia by following the example of the Russian Federation.
“We, of course, will take cues from Russia. But for this we need to replenish the budget and develop the economy. Without understanding where to get money from and how to develop the economy, it will be impossible. And here I reckon on you, I am waiting for your proposals, a kind of “roadmap”. We have gathered today in order not only to list the problems, but to understand what must be done, what steps must be taken tomorrow, and which ones must be planned for the years ahead. Without developing a strategy and tactical actions today, nothing will get done,” he noted.
Also, organizational issues were raised at the event. In particular, the need to adopt a law on scientific and technological activities.
“Indeed, the question is ripe, it’s time to talk about the adoption of the law. I am ready now to charge with appropriate tasks in order to hold an extended meeting of the committee in the near future, where it will be clear what must be refined. And I think that if not late in the year, then at the beginning of the next year, this law will be adopted,” Denis Pushilin stressed.
The interim Head paid particular attention to the issue of the distribution of money of special funds that are earned by scientific research institutes, namely, the transfer of the distribution rights to the scientific organizations themselves. “This is an appropriate proposal, I am ready to support it. I am waiting for your suggestions on what legal acts should regulate it. If there is enough supervision here, I can cooperate. It is necessary to give more powers and opportunities with the proportionally increased responsibility,” he claimed.
Within the framework of the meeting, they also addressed the issues related to the establishment of thesis boards, the recognition of documents in Russia, the revitalization of relevant committees, the payment of scholarships to postdoctoral students and the increase of scholarships for postgraduate students, the competition of postdoctoral researchers and scientific developments in the DPR.
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