The opening of the border with the Russian Federation was one of the topical questions addressed to DPR Head Denis Pushilin during the live call-in show. According to a Correspondent of the DPR official website, decision-making in this matter is driven by the coronavirus pandemic.

“The situation with the Russian Federation is the exact opposite. There are positive trends taking place in the finest sense of this word. The number of cases is decreasing, the number of those who have recovered is increasing. We are now looking for ways to ease off. It is planned that you will be able to leave for the Russian Federation to get the passport in the very near future.

This also concerns the railway, which we talked about during the last call-in show. The task has always been, the deadlines just extended for objective reasons. This is an opportunity to leave for the Crimea, Moscow and St. Petersburg non-stop. It is important to us.

Other easings that will take place concern the safety of lives and health of our citizens. I think that it will be possible to consider new easings starting July 1,” Denis Pushilin said.