A meeting of the subgroup on security was held at the talks in Minsk today, on November 12. The agenda included issues of the parties’ implementation of the current ceasefire, the elimination of violations on the previously disengaged sites, and in particular, work on a supplement to the Framework Decision.

According to the data of the DPR Representative Office to the JCCC and the negotiation process, 1 civilian was wounded, 34 residential buildings, along with 3 infrastructure facilities, were damaged or destroyed as a result of the AFU shelling for the period between the Minsk meetings, that is from October 29 to November 12.

The Ukrainian party engaged fire on the territory of the Republic 257 times, including with tanks, 122mm artillery and 120mm and 82mm mortars:

2 times there were used tanks that fired 3 rounds;
1 time — 122mm artillery — 4 rounds;
30 times — 120mm mortars — 181 shells;
53 times — 82mm mortars — 268 shells on the DPR territory.

The hot spots remained the same: the vicinities of Gorlovka and the south of the Republic, as well as the localities of Staromikhailovka, Donetsk (the Trudovskaya mine’s village, the Volvo Center), Dokuchayevsk, Yasinovataya, Kominternovo and Sakhanka.

According to the OSCE SMM reports, over the specified period, monitors detected the presence of prohibited weapons and hardware deployed by the AFU in violation of the withdrawal lines in the security zone and outside storage facilities.

As part of the discussion on the issue of the forces and hardware disengagement, DPR official representative Alexey Nikonorov generally supported the OSCE SMM’s proposal to launch work on new potential disengagement sites, but he noted that as a first step it would be necessary to focus on elaborating and agreeing a supplement to the Framework Decision in order to formalize all the previously unaccounted questions.

“Our proposal to add to the agenda the issue of negotiating the approval of an amendment to the Framework Decision is primarily dictated by the real need to take into account the practical aspects of the disengagement of forces and hardware of the parties unsettled by the Framework Decision, as well as the willful interpretation of the Minsk Agreement paragraphs by the Ukrainian party. For disagreements to be excluded, we must prepare a written document that we can refer to, since it is impossible to regularize key problematic issues verbally. Besides, the credibility of the statements made by the Ukrainian delegation has long been gone. Therefore, we favour the early adoption of an additional document,” Alexey Nikonorov concluded.