The Representative Office of the Donetsk People’s Republic to the JCCC informs that the total number of violations by the AFU over the past 24 hours amounted to 15 times.

The following weapons were engaged on the DPR territory in violation of the Minsk Agreements and the ceasefire agreements:

  • Gorlovka front: 82mm mortars — 3 times (17 shells); RPG/SPG — 1 time (6 grenades); small arms — 1 time.
  • Donetsk front: 82mm mortars — 2 times (6 shells); IFV/APC — 1 time (10 rounds); RPG/SPG — 4 times (17 grenades); AGS — 3 times (49 grenades); large-caliber small arms — 3 times; small arms — 4 times.
  • Mariupol front: RPG/SPG — 1 time (15 grenades); small arms — 2 times.

The following districts/ localities came under the AFU fire: Dolomitnoye, Shirokaya Balka, Gorlovka (the Gagarin mines’ village), Zaitsevo, Yasinovataya, Spartak, Staromikhailovka, Alexandrovka, Petrovskoye, and Sakhanka.

According to updated data, as a result of the AFU shelling of Staromikhailovka with IFV-1, AGS, large-caliber and small arms, damages were recorded at the following addresses:

▶ 30 Ivana Marchenko Street — glazing damaged;
▶ 4 Lenina Street — the roof of the residential building damaged;
▶ 14 Frunze Street — a bearing wall of the residential building damaged by shrapnel;
▶ 34 Frunze Street — glazing and household appliances damaged.

No casualties have been reported among civilians at the moment.

The total number of munitions engaged by the AFU made 120 pieces.

As will be recalled, the munitions up to 12.7mm are not included in the the daily report’s overall statistics on the quantities of ammunition.

On the previous day, the amount of ammunition fired on the DPR territory totalled 27 pieces.