Nonetheless, Zelensky has signed the anti-Ukrainian law regulating the land market, and he himself called this event landmark. Indeed, there have been few examples around the world when the head of state openly rejoices at betraying the interests of his nation to the benefit of oversea handlers and international creditors.

Having encroached on the national wealth of his home country, this person has no right to talk about the inviolability of territory. Trumpet-tongued statements about the return of Donbass are nothing but an attempt to claim it back under their jurisdiction, including the fertile, rich lands of the Donetsk region. They do not need people, they need our territory.

The Ukrainian authorities continue to systematically destroy the state, which used to be sovereign once. Physical extermination of their people, financial slavery, and now the sell-out of land are far from all the methods that the Kiev regime can go for. I really wish that the citizens living now in the territory of today’s Ukraine realized the full scale of the Ukrainian tragedy.

Denis Pushilin
Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic