Минутой молчания и букетами живых цветов утром 18 декабря работники энергетических компаний Донецкой Народной Республики почтили память своих коллег, погибших в результате боевых действий при выполнении своих служебных обязанностей. Как сообщает корреспондент официального сайта ДНР, митинг-реквием состоялся у мемориала «Памяти погибших энергетиков» в сквере на бульваре Шевченко в Донецке, открытого год назад.

«Сегодня мы собрались, чтобы почтить память наших товарищей, наших коллег, которые отдали жизни во благо нашей Республики. До недавнего времени профессия энергетика считалась сугубо мирной, но с 2014 года ситуация изменилась — наши ребята погибли на своих боевых постах, восстанавливая разбитые объекты, восстанавливая нашу энергетику. Киевская хунта лишила 8 семей отцов, братьев. В наших сердцах они никогда не будут забыты, и эти 8 журавлей символизируют память о погибших наших ребятах», — заявил и.о. заместителя министра угля и энергетики ДНР Константин Забияко.

Генеральный директор Республиканского предприятия «Региональная энергопоставляющая компания» Александр Почтивый сказал, что энергетики — это отважные люди. «Их опыт и знания незаменимы. Этот памятник является символом и напоминанием о мужестве и героизме тех, кто ценой своей жизни выполнил свою повседневную работу. Сохранить память о них — это важная традиция для сотрудников нашего предприятия», — отметил он.

Как подчеркнул генеральный директор компании «Энергия Донбасса» Александр Фаустов, с 2014 года 8 энергетиков погибли при выполнении своих служебных обязанностей. «Сегодня в наших домах есть свет, тепло — это благодаря и тем людям, которые самоотверженно выполнили свой долг- как профессиональный, так и человеческий», — сказал он.

Цветы к мемориалу «Погибшим энергетикам» возложили их родные, друзья, коллеги и благодарные жители города.

Donetsk honored the memory of dead energy workers of the Republic

On the morning of December 18th, workers of energy companies of the Donetsk People’s Republic honored the memory of their colleagues who died as a result of hostilities in the line of duty with a moment of silence and bouquets of fresh flowers. According to a correspondent of the DPR official website, a requiem rally took place at the memorial In Memory of Dead Energy Workers in the park on Shevchenko Boulevard in Donetsk, which opened a year ago.

“Today we have gathered to honor the memory of our comrades, our colleagues who have given their lives for the good of our Republic. Until recently, the profession of energy worker was considered to be purely peaceful, but since 2014 the situation has changed Ч our guys died at their combat posts, restoring broken objects, restoring our energy. The Kiev junta deprived 8 families of their fathers and brothers. In our hearts, they will never be forgotten, and these 8 cranes symbolize the memory of our dead men,” acting Deputy Minister of Coal and Energy of the DPR Konstantin Zabiyako stated.

General director of Regional Energy Distributing Company Republic Enterprise Alexander Pochtivy said that energy workers are brave people. “Their experience and knowledge are indispensable. This monument is a symbol and a reminder of the courage and heroism of those who fulfilled their daily work at the cost of their lives. Preserving the memory of them is an important tradition for the employees of our company,” he emphasized.

According to general director of Donbass Energy company Alexander Faustov, since 2014, 8 power engineers have died in the line of duty. “Today our houses have electricity and heat thanks to those people who selflessly fulfilled their duty, both professional and the duty of a person,” he said.

Their relatives, friends, colleagues and grateful residents of the city laid flowers at the memorial to Dead Energy Workers.

On the morning of December 18th, workers of energy companies of the Donetsk People’s Republic honored the memory of their colleagues who died as a result of hostilities in the line of duty with a moment of silence and bouquets of fresh flowers. According to a correspondent of the DPR official website, a requiem rally took place at the memorial In Memory of Dead Energy Workers in the park on Shevchenko Boulevard in Donetsk, which opened a year ago.

“Today we have gathered to honor the memory of our comrades, our colleagues who have given their lives for the good of our Republic. Until recently, the profession of energy worker was considered to be purely peaceful, but since 2014 the situation has changed Ч our guys died at their combat posts, restoring broken objects, restoring our energy. The Kiev junta deprived 8 families of their fathers and brothers. In our hearts, they will never be forgotten, and these 8 cranes symbolize the memory of our dead men,” acting Deputy Minister of Coal and Energy of the DPR Konstantin Zabiyako stated.

General director of Regional Energy Distributing Company Republic Enterprise Alexander Pochtivy said that energy workers are brave people. “Their experience and knowledge are indispensable. This monument is a symbol and a reminder of the courage and heroism of those who fulfilled their daily work at the cost of their lives. Preserving the memory of them is an important tradition for the employees of our company,” he emphasized.

According to general director of Donbass Energy company Alexander Faustov, since 2014, 8 power engineers have died in the line of duty. “Today our houses have electricity and heat thanks to those people who selflessly fulfilled their duty, both professional and the duty of a person,” he said.

Their relatives, friends, colleagues and grateful residents of the city laid flowers at the memorial to Dead Energy Workers.