The joint forces operation’s command staff continues to cover up noncombat losses in the units. However, with the help of volunteers, some truth still reaches the public, official representative of the DPR People’s Militia Directorate Rinat Aygistov said at a daily briefing in Donetsk.

“Yesterday, 26 soldiers arrived in Kiev from the joint forces operation’s zone, who were wounded between November 10 and 24. Whereas, according to the official reports of the joint forces operation’s staff, the number of wounded for this period was 17 people. I should like to point out that we are talking about only one hospital. The number of wounded and dead, who are hospitalized to military medical institutions in Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk and other cities by airplane, has already been in the hundreds,” Rinat Aygistov reported.

He also added that officials of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and the joint forces operation’s staff did not disclose their mass noncombat casualties and wounding of AFU soldiers in order to maintain a stable situation among the public.

“According to our information, some of the wounded taken to Kiev are soldiers from the 10th separate mountain assault brigade, who have arrived to rotate the 36th marine brigade. The dominant diagnosis is multiple fragmentation wounds that resulted from blowing up with explosive devices. The causes of the blowing-up of the military with their own mines remain the same: the chaotic laying of mine barriers and the lack of minefield maps.

The transportation of the wounded soldiers to military hospitals, in general, does not change the situation with regard to the recovery of the personnel. The complete lack of medical supplies compels the volunteers to call on the Ukrainian citizens to give them money for the purchase of medical equipment and medications.

Against the backdrop of the critical state of Ukrainian military medicine, yesterday there was a deliberate arson attack on a medical unit in Lvov. It is noteworthy that the fire occurred at the same time as the AFU General Staff’s Main Military Medical Directorate instructed that drug-containing medications be sent to the joint forces operation’s zone to include them in personal first-aid kits of the military,” Rinat Aygistov summed up.