A public figure from the Russian Federation brought winter clothes and shoes as New Year presents for wards of the Donetsk boarding school No. 29. According to the correspondent of the DPR official website, in the institution there live children whose families are in social difficulty.

“I was approached by the director of the boarding school No. 29, and with the help of concerned people we collected winter clothes and money to transfer such a large load across the border. I am glad that we have brought these children a real New Year miracle,” Russian public figure Viktor Andronov said.

In turn, the director of the Donetsk boarding school Tatyana Pogozhykh sincerely thanked the Russian Father Frost, noting that there are enough good people in the world.

“A colleague of mine from the Lugansk People’s Republic informed that Viktor wanted to come to Donetsk to help our children. Fate brought him here, and I think it is very important to let children believe in a real miracle,” DPR People’s Council deputy Maria Pirogova said.