In Makeyevka, the 9th Five-Year Plan Square Park has been restored, in which there is installed a monument to the perished residents of the city, who fell victims to the armed aggression of Ukraine in 2014, a correspondent of the DPR Official Website reports.

Head of the Makeyevka City Council, Sergei Goloshchapov, spoke about the city’s green zone improvement.

“In 2019, it was 5 years since the aggression on Ukraine’s part was launched in 2014, when Makeyevka was very heavily shelled, there were casualties among local citizens. None of the city residents wanted war, we just went to work in the morning, sent children to school and did not even think that the war would come to us. On August 19 there was a grand Orthodox holiday, people were walking home from the church, and suddenly a heavy shelling of the Makeyevka housing block area broke out. Children were walking and spending their free time in this square park.

On August 19, 2019, we landscaped this green zone, commemorating the Makeyevka citizens who perished that day. We hope that the war will end soon and that we won’t hear any shots throughout the Donetsk People’s Republic, and peaceful labor will be our main task,” Sergei Goloshchapov said.

In the park there has been installed exterior lighting, benches for adults and children, paths have been paved and a playground equipped. The Head of the Makeyevka City Council noted that this square had become a popular recreation area for residents of the city.