This morning 50 miners of Lvovugol enterprise blocked the international highway Lvov—Rava-Russkaya, demanding to pay the arrears, which currently amount to 317.79 million UAH. Recently, four leaders of independent trade unions began a hunger strike in the building of the Lvov Regional State Administration, secretary of the Donetsk Republic PM’s local branch in Zugres Sergey Prokin commented on the events in Ukraine.

“Apparently, the hardest times are coming to Ukraine, given that it has already reached the point when miners start blocking roads because of arrears.

Let us remember that such large-scale protests of miners in Ukraine were in freewheeling 1990s last time. Then, the miners of Donbass went to Kiev, blocked the work of the Cabinet of Ministers and were striking until the government found money in the budget to pay off all the debts. It turns out that Ukraine under Zelensky has returned to the same harsh times when the country is experiencing total unemployment, rampant criminality and impoverishment of the people.

Someone can reproach that the economy is not so good in the Republics too, including the mining sector, but we work in the conditions of blockade and war, the leadership of the Republic is doing the impossible in the current circumstances,” Prokin noted.