Vladimir Zelensky’s speech at the 56th Munich Conference — both in its entirety and thesis — is just a bunch of patterns developed by the Ukrainian propaganda in recent years. Moreover, the contradictions in this rhetoric are obvious even to people who have nothing to do with politics, DPR People’s Council deputy Alexander Kamyshov said.

“Zelensky refuses to communicate with the Republics’ authorities, democratically elected in accordance with the OSCE standards. The President of Ukraine says that he is ready to launch a dialogue with the civilian population, and at the same time the Ukrainian forces are firing at that very civilian population, the Ukrainian authorities are blocking the payment of pensions and social benefits, and the rhetoric of Kiev’s official representatives and all major media is the rhetoric of war, hatred and aggression.

Obviously, such statements are made for the sole purpose of longest possible delaying the Minsk Agreements’ implementation or not fulfilling them at all. Thus, the aim is to freeze the Donbass conflict and improve his ratings among the Ukrainian radical nationalist minority.

But, in fact, Vladimir Zelensky raises the question in a fundamentally wrong way. Today it is no longer about with whom he is ready or not ready to enter into dialogue. I believe that after all the crimes committed by the Poroshenko regime and his successor Zelensky, the question becomes especially topical whether Donbass people want a dialogue with Zelensky and what this dialogue can bring them.

Donbass tried reach out to the Ukrainian authorities for six years, but we were studiously ignored, fired at, and oppressed by the blockade. Therefore, today it is Donbass to decide with whom and about what it makes sense to negotiate. And the chances that it will be Zelensky are fading with each shot made by the AFU,” the deputy emphasized.