DPR Minister of Foreign Affairs Natalya Nikonorova commented on the statement from Ukraine’s Foreign Minister about the “limits of compromise”.

“The Ukrainian Foreign Minister’s talks about the “limits of compromise”, which the Ukrainian government is ready to go for as part of the conflict settlement in Donbass, suggest that the chief of the Ukrainian diplomacy keeps mistaking the wish for the reality over and over. However, the limits of reality are such that only disappointment awaits him, all his fictions about the Minsk Agreements are going to smash onto the legally enforceable obligations of Ukraine.

In particular, the Kiev leadership will eventually have to put up with the fact that they have to consult with representatives of the Republics absolutely about all terms and modalities of the extraordinary local elections. At the same time, we would like to remind them again that it is extremely premature to talk about the extraordinary elections. First of all, it is necessary to fulfill all those stages, particularly bringing the law on the special status of Donbass into force, drawing up and consulting with us about all ensuing legal acts and agreements, and mandatorily amending the Constitution to make the special status permanent, which must be carried out before discussing the elections, according to the Complex of Measures. Also, we must not forget the importance of elaborating and legislating a mechanism to prevent the prosecution of people involved in the events in Donbass. We will not accept any unilateral decisions from Ukraine.” Natalya Nikonorova said.