Claiming that Kiev presupposes its withdrawal from the Minsk process in case if it “goes on forever”, Mr. Pristayko questions his own competence as the head of the Ukrainian foreign-policy establishment, the DPR plenipotentiary for the Minsk talks, Foreign Minister Natalya Nikonorova stated.

“It is hard to explain why the public official, who is considered to be the chief diplomat of the Ukrainian state, can permit himself to declare absolute disregard for the Minsk Agreements, which are the only effective plan for the peaceful settlement of the conflict in Donbass.

With the same carelessness, the Ukrainian foreign minister makes it clear that he and the state he represents are indifferent to all the efforts of the guarantor countries for the Minsk agreements, and even to the UN Security Council, which approved the Complex of Measures by its resolution, thereby giving this document the status of an international legal instrument.

Kiev is in comfort even with the fact that its “Western partners” will be dissatisfied if the Minsk process is disrupted, Mr. Pristayko openly admits in his statement that he is aware of this consequence. In addition, the chief of Ukrainian diplomats inadvertently overlooked the fact that it is the Ukrainian side that is making the negotiation process “endless” by constantly sabotaging and intentionally delaying discussion and decision-making at meetings in Minsk. None of these things, however, stops the Ukrainian power from making extremely absurd statements.

Once again, we call on the Ukrainian representatives to return from the world of illusions to our earthly reality and to realize at last a simple truth — provocative statements cannot help evade the implementation of your commitments under the Minsk Agreements. It is high time that Kiev understood and accepted this fact and finally joined in the constructive process, which is to work effectively and in good faith on the implementation of items of the Complex of Measures in coordination with representatives of the republics,” Nikonorova emphasized.