Today, on November 15, employees of the Republican Regional Energy Supply Company returned light to the homes of residents of the village of Vesyoloye, which is located in the territory adjoining the Donetsk airport. According to the correspondent of the official website of the DPR, the village’s power supply was disrupted as a result of Ukrainian aggression back in 2014.

“Restoration works in the village of Vesyoloye began in 2015. The village was badly damaged as a result of hostilities in 2014, after which for its restoration there were allocated materials from humanitarian aid. Then, overhead power lines were mounted and some of the village consumers were electrified. At the moment, we are lining up the street located nearest to the airport, after which the homes of absolutely all the residents of Veseloye are expected to get the lights back,” said Yevgeny Ignatiev, head of the Yasinovataya Regional Energy Supply Company of the Makeyevka Electric Networks Regional Energy Supply Company.

In turn, a Quick Response Desk employee, Andrei Shulakov, emphasized that in order to create a safe working environment for RESC employees, before starting any work, service officers check the area for explosive objects, and also coordinate all actions with representatives of the OSCE, the JCCC and the Ukrainian party.