At the initiative of Deputy Chairperson of the DPR Public Chamber Ekaterina Martyanova and jointly with chief of the People’s Patrol Roman Troshin, 6 cubic meters of solid domestic fuel and food packages were delivered to the residents of Kievsky District, the press service of the DPR People’s Patrol reports.

Three low-income and needy families living in the 15th block received firewood. It is an inner suburb in Kievsky District of Donetsk, located between Vzletnaya Street and Aryomovskaya Street in the immediate vicinity of the airport. Many streets do not have any houses that have not been affected by shelling.

According to the chief of the People’s Patrol, this district of Donetsk is one among those most affected by hostilities.

“We try to help the locals in every possible way and together with Ekaterina Martyanova we provide humanitarian aid to those in need. Today we brought firewood and food packages, and will continue working in this direction,” Roman Troshin said.