Today, young citizens of the Republic have every opportunity to prove their abilities. To do so, they, first and foremost, should actively participate in all processes taking place in the country. This is the main vector in the developing youth policy in the DPR, Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Denis Pushilin said at the meeting with active members of the Young Republic Public Organization and the DPR Youth Parliament in Donetsk on December 5.

“I liked the Republic’s Support project, within which there was found a large number of people with systemic thinking. Nobody knew them before. And we are right in need of such ambitious, purposeful people understanding everything that is going on here. And there are plenty of youth among such people!

I believe that our young people now have quite mature worldview with a sufficient understanding of their role in society. Based on the initiatives they have put forward, I can see that the number of such people is growing: in ministries, departments, and the parliament. It is our guarantee that in 5 to 6 years we will have experienced business leaders and officials. There is being formed a certain skeleton of people who work not just for show, but with an understanding of the country’s development paths,” he said.