On December 10, Ekaterina Martyanova, Deputy Chairperson of the Public Chamber, together with Roman Troshin, head of the Volunteer Militia Movement, transferred targeted humanitarian aid to residents of the village of Alexandrovka in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, a correspondent of the DPR official website reports.

“Earlier, at a meeting of citizens of Alexandrovka village, local residents asked me for help in purchasing medical supplies for bedridden patients. Given how complicated the situation is near the contact line, not every resident of the village is able to provide their bedridden relatives with the necessary sanitary and hygienic supplies every day. Thanks to the assistance of member of the Public Chamber Alexei Denisenko, the People’s Militia Directorate and head of the Volunteer Militia Movement Roman Troshin, we brought the local residents the necessary supplies,” Ekaterina Martyanova said.

Seven families with bedridden patients and people with disabilities were provided with aid in the form of medical supplies.

“Residents of the frontline districts are in dire need of our help and support. They, like no one else, need to feel that they will be heard and not left to face with their problems on their own. Ekaterina Martyanova, Alexei Denisenko and I share a common goal — the desire and the will to help people,” Roman Troshin said.