The Servants of the People seek to replenish the budget of Ukraine at the expense of the population by any means. Otherwise, how can they pay the incredible salaries that the officials have set for themselves? Secretary of the Donetsk Republic Public Movement’s local office in Zugres Sergey Prokin claims.

“Apparently, this is why deputies from the Servants of the People faction submit draft laws increasing the responsibility of pedestrians for traffic violations. If the Verkhovnaya Rada passes this law, the Ukrainians will have to pay five times more, i.e. 255 UAH for jay walking or crossing against the lights instead of a fine of 51 UAH. And if a pedestrian is intoxicated, it will be twice as much, 510 UAH.

The matter, of course, is not about traffic rules and pedestrian discipline, it is about the money that will not go to road mending, markings or signs updating, they will be appropriated by the Servants of the People, who have put themselves in Ukraine far ahead of their nation,” Sergey Prokin stressed.