Today, on the air of Radio Respublika, Maya Pirogova, the host of the show In Full Swing, talked about the activity of the Public Staff for Frontline Districts with its members Elena Radomskaya and Svetlana Chernyshenko.

“The Staff has been in operating for two years now. During this time, we have visited every hot spot of our Republic, where we provided all kinds of aid to the residents suffering from the constant Ukrainian aggression. We help not only with household items, but also provide legal advice, solve issues of people’s interaction with various ministries and agencies, conduct medical advisement. All this happens as part of the projects Pravomobil and Medmobil,” Elena Radomskaya told.

In turn, Svetlana Chernyshenko noted that the work of the Staff for Frontline Districts means primarily teamwork.

“People turn to public reception offices of the Donetsk Republic Public Movement with their questions. The head of a district administration or deputy assigned to a frontline district get to the essence of the problem, contact us. When all the information is collected, we map out a certain estimate in advance. Thus, we solve all issues collectively, advising and helping each other,” Svetlana Chernyshenko told.

The public activist also added that it is the persevering people that live in Donbass and despite the war and hard living conditions they do not leave their homes and their Homeland.

“We go to our people in hot spots of the Republic because they need us and our help. And we will not leave them under any conditions!” Svetlana Chernyshenko stated.

They raised the issue of restoring lost documents during the conversation.

“A very large number of the Republic’s residents have lost their documents because they were destroyed during AFU hostilities. The Public Staff for Frontline Districts plans to help such people restore them and obtain a DPR passport,” Elena Radomskaya stated.