The brotherly Crimea today celebrates Day of the Republic. The day that became the starting point, the beginning of its way home, to the Homeland, the Russian Federation.

This holiday embodies the historical continuity and the choice of an independent path of development of the country. Thanks to the moral courage, the unity of the multi-ethnic people of the Republic of Crimea, its residents have achieved their goal. Now, the modern Crimea can confidently go forward, advance and build mutually beneficial relations with friendly countries.

The people of the Donetsk People’s Republic will always be grateful to the Crimeans and the Crimean leadership for their fraternal support for us in the most hardest time till nowadays!

The Crimea is a reliable friend and partner of ours. I am sure that our friendship will only be growing stronger with every passing year, and our mutually beneficial relations will be gaining momentum.

Crimeans! Please accept my sincere congratulations on Day of the Republic! I wish you health, peace and harmony in the name of well-being and prosperity of our common Homeland, Russia!

Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic
Denis Pushilin