Today, on January 23, another group of children who were injured during hostilities went from Donetsk to the Sozvezdiye Educational Center located in the city Krasnogorsk, Russia, for treatment and rehabilitation, a correspondent of the DPR Official Website reports.

“We are sending for rehabilitation another group of children, 11 people, who were wounded during hostilities, which affected their health subsequently. The group will be staying in the Sozvezdiye Educational Center for 16 days, the children will have a huge range of various informative and interesting activities.

Russia gives us invaluable assistance by organizing for our children not only recreation, but also a full diagnosis based on medical parameters. Many of our children undergo surgeries there and receive a full range of medical and educational services,” Advisor on Child’s Rights to the DPR Head Eleonora Fedorenko emphasized.

She also noted that this trip had become possible thanks to the joint work with the Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Moscow Region.

Recall that the first group of children who were injured during hostilities went to the Sozvezdiye Educational Center on January 5 and will be home tomorrow.