No matter how unsteady is the ground on which Ukrainian politicians are trying to build an alternative historical logic, this gives rise to the myths that brainwash the minds of young people, inculcating corrupted values and criminal ideas. This has led to the rampancy of radical nationalism in Ukraine and the fratricidal war in Donbass, chief of the Donetsk Republic Public Movement’s Central Executive Committee Alexey Muratov stated.

“Ex-president of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk keeps on mythmaking, trying to produce at least some ground for the arbitrary interpretation of history that Vladimir Zelensky presented in Poland during the events dedicated to International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

In particular, he made up a secret meeting between Hitler and Stalin in Lvov. According to him, they allegedly concluded a sort of alliance, which led to the outbreak of World War II, which began with the attack of the Nazi Germany on Poland. Kravchuk refers to the document of questionable authenticity, which periodically gets into the US infosphere with the clear purpose of discrediting the role of the Soviet Union in the fight against Nazism. But even according to him, that meeting took place in October 1939, while World War II had been going on for over a month, so there is no way such conspiracy could have been possible.

We should separately mention Leonid Kravchuk’s special personal merit in the events that triggered the process of destruction of our Great Motherland. Having entered into a secret collusion with Yeltsin and Shushkevich, he signed the Belovezha Accords in 1991, which resulted in the breakup of the USSR. By the way, what is important about this event is that the members of the conspiracy first reported not to USSR leader Mikhail Gorbachev, but to their overseas handler, the US president. It is obvious who the true instigator of the crime is and who continues to sow dissention and unrest in the family of Slavic peoples.

It is particularly unfortunate that some representatives of the political elite still consider Kravchuk “the conscience of Ukraine”, but such moments prove only that there is actually no conscience or elites in Ukraine… and there will be no Ukraine if the sober-minded part of society do not stop its further decay before it is too late,” Muratov stressed.