The enemy does not desist from its efforts to destabilize the situation on the contact line and with this in view continues to enhance the intensity of provocative shelling of the territory of our Republic, the DPR PMD reports.

Today at 10:20 a.m. militants of the 28th brigade engaged targeted fire with IFV-1 cannons at the residential buildings of Staromikhailovka. Civilians had to hide in the basements of their homes.

As a result of the attack, two residential buildings at 44 and 55 Shevchenko Street sustained damage.

Information on the destruction of civil infrastructure and casualties among the civilian population is being specified.

These ceasefire violations have also been recorded by JCCC staff.

All the evidence of the shelling have been provided to representatives of international human rights organizations based in the Republic, along with the DPR Prosecutor General’s Office for criminal proceedings to be initiated against AFU brigade commander Marchenko.

“We urge the OSCE’s SMM international observers to focus on the aggression of the Ukrainian armed formations against the Donetsk People’s Republic and force the Ukrainian leadership, in the person of Zelensky, to fulfill the agreements reached to prevent another bloodshed in the long-suffering land of Donbass,” the PMD statement says.