With tenacity worthy of better application, Kiev is trying to push through the Minsk Agreements’ amendment to the Normandy Four agenda by any means. DPR People’s Council deputy Elena Shishkina shared her opinion on the situation.

“The statement by Andrei Yermak is one of such attempts. The Ukrainian party does not want to fulfill its obligations and therefore keeps making statements that contradict the agreements signed.

The negotiations held in the Normandy Format in 2019 made it clear that the participating countries will not discuss any amendments to the Minsk Agreements. However, the Ukrainian party, due to weakness and inability to fulfill them, keeps making statements similar to the latest statement by Andrei Yermak.

These futile attempts cannot result in anything constructive. It’s high time the politicians from Zelensky’s team got to realize that Ukraine will have to implement the Minsk Agreements and there is no alternative to them,” Elena Shishkina said.