Today the information was checked and confirmed that on February 16, a 61-year-old citizen from the village of Trudovskaya Mine was taken to Central City Hospital 14 of Donetsk with serious gunshot wounds. The man was injured by sniper fire opened from a direction of Ukrainian armed formations. Despite the fact that the JCCC was asking for access to the victim, Ukrainian military kept firing at the village for one and a half hours.

“The actions of the AFU are a direct violation of the indefinite ceasefire agreement, which entered into force on 21 July 2019, as well as a flagrant violation of the UN Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. I would like to remind that the protection of the wounded during hostilities is regulated by international humanitarian law, which, particularly, strictly prohibits any infringement on the life and human dignity of victims.

I will inform international human rights organizations of this incident in due course. I express the hope that the perpetrators will get a deserved punishment and wish speedy recovery to our compatriot,” Morozova said.

The DPR Commissioner for Human Rights and her office continue to closely monitor and respond to violations of human rights and freedoms in the territory of the Republic.