Today, on February 22, the capital’s Palace of Culture named after Kuibyshev hosted an annual republic festival, Afghan Wind, under the slogan “I serve the Fatherland!” It was dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the Soviet troops’ pullout from Afghanistan. The event was attended by Chairman of the DPR People’s Council Vladimir Bidyovka, parliamentarian and Chairman of the DPR Afghanistan Veterans Union Vladimir Savyolov, Deputy Minister of Youth, Sports and Tourism Dmitry Kovyrshin.

During the event, the Chairman of the People’s Council solemnly handed over Medals For Loyalty to Duty and Service to the Motherland to combat veterans of Afghanistan Sergei Balkin, Sergei Lyzhin and Oleg Machizhuk.

Vladimir Bidyovka stressed that the warriors-internationalists who performed their duty in Afghanistan also rallied to the defense of the residents of Donbass from the Ukrainian neo-Nazis.

“The slogan “I serve the Fatherland!”, under which today’s event is being held, proves that our warriors-internationalists are a reliable support and protection to the homeland.

They endured a lot on their life path: they fought against the international terrorism in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, defended the interests of Donbass in the fight for its independence. This shows only one thing: each of them is a fighter for the future and peace, a Man with a capital “M”.

Today it was an honor for me to give them Medals For Loyalty to Duty and Service to the Motherland. And I know that these awards are really well-deserved, because each of the warriors-internationalists guarded justice.

On the eve of Defender of Fatherland Day, I also congratulate you on the coming holiday and express my words of gratitude to all our military for being loyal to the duty and the Motherland,” the Speaker of the Parliament said.

The military-patriotic associations Vityaz and Russian Bear, the music band Re-Mi and Donetsk singers-songwriters Oleg Snitko, Eduard Bondar and others performed for the audience during the festival. The guests were also presented fragments of documentary films about the war in Afghanistan.