The team of the Ukrainian President has a distinctive quality — to speak first and then think. Thus, in his another interview, Prime Minister Goncharuk said that democracy had become Ukraine’s greatest achievement over the past 10 years. Chairman of the Svobodny Donbass Public Movement and Deputy Chairman of the DPR People’s Council Committee on Criminal and Administrative Law Vladimir Medvedev commented on this statement.

“The head of the Ukrainian government called the main characteristics of democracy the spirit of freedom and the desire to change. The Ukrainian people can be congratulated — now they have democracy. To achieve it, they had to sacrifice sovereignty, industry, healthcare and education, and unleash a military conflict in Donbass. But on the other hand, democracy has been established in Ukraine.

However, Goncharuk is not going to stop at this stage. Plans call for the transformation of the economy, associated with the land, labour and capital markets. If it is about the sale of land, the unique Ukrainian chernozem soil, to foreign landowners for nothing, the Ukrainian economy is really in for a transformation. But experts usually use the term “disaster.” Selling everything that can be profitable in Ukraine to foreign capital for pennies, the government will completely eliminate the remaining opportunities for economic growth. In this case, the Ukrainian people will face poverty. But the main thing for Goncharuk is democracy, he takes no interest in the welfare of people. Let me remind you that in 2019 Goncharuk promised economic growth by 40%. This is the essence of Zelensky’s political team — populism and idle talk, but in reality it means the impoverishment of the population and the collapse of the economy,” Vladimir Medvedev said.