Today, on April 17, Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin took part in a regular meeting of the Interdepartmental Operational Headquarters for Prevention of Importation and Spread of the Coronavirus Infection. According to a correspondent of the DPR Official Website, chief of the Interdepartmental Operational HQ and chief of the DPR Head’s Control Directorate Olga Korol during the meeting announced a series of necessary measures to further ensure the high readiness regime.

“The epidemiological situation in Donetsk People’s Republic is under control. Thanks to the measures taken in time, it has been possible to contain the coronavirus proliferation in the Republic. But despite the measures taken, new cases of the infection still occur. Thus, as of April 17, 32 cases of COVID-19 have been registered and confirmed. In this regard, all the restrictive measures will be extended and new ones will be introduced in accordance with the DPR Head’s Decree On High Readiness Regime.

Thus, the period of self-isolation for citizens aged over 65 has been extended until May 2020, except for managers and employees of companies, public organizations and agencies whose presence in the workplace is critical to ensure the functioning, also for medical workers, for people caring for incapacitated and partially incapacitated persons, or for dependant persons in need of constant nursing care. It is also planned to exclude natural persons-entrepreneurs.

Persons aged under 14 are now forbidden to stay in public spaces unless accompanied by their parent.

All citizens must wear masks in buildings and premises of trade outlets, and also in mass public transport.

All mass events are still forbidden in the Republic.

Restrictions on crossing the DPR border are still in force.

We draw the attention of all carriers to the need for regular decontamination of vehicles,” Olga Korol said.

The chief of the Interdepartmental HQ especially emphasized that the curfew during the Easter services would not be canceled.

“We recommend that all citizens stay out of public spaces, limit their contacts with others as far as possible and observe sanitary and hygiene rules,” she added.