Four new cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection have been registered in the Donetsk People’s Republic in a day, DPR Minister of Health Olga Dolgoshapko reported at the briefing in Donetsk on April 30.

“All the infected persons had earlier contacted with patients with COVID-19, among them there is a surgeon. Another patient had fully recovered and was discharged yesterday following two negative tests.

As of 10 a.m. April 30, a total of 100 cases of the COVID-19 have been registered and confirmed in the Donetsk People’s Republic. 86 patients are receiving treatment, 11 persons have been discharged after having recovered, and there have been registered three lethal outcomes,” Olga Doloshoshapko said.

The Minister called on the residents of the Republic to maintain personal hygiene, follow the rules of home self-isolation and avoid mass gatherings, as the coronavirus infection is spread by airborne transmission, and take care of their relatives over the age of 65, provide them with sufficient food, medicines and items for personal hygiene so that they stay at home.

Should the first signs of any acute viral respiratory illness occur, such as fever, cough, rhinitis, and, above all, shortness of breath, you must immediately request a doctor home visit. Taking the symptoms into account, the doctor will decide whether to allow the patient to be treated at home or to admit him/her to a hospital. Remember, self-medication is dangerous for your health.