As of the morning of May 4, eight more COVID-19 cases have been registered in the Donetsk People’s Republic. The number of people infected has reached 128.

3 medical workers and 5 people tested positive for coronavirus, they had contacted patients with COVID-19 earlier. At present, the condition of the patients is satisfactory and everyone is getting the necessary medical care.

“108 patients are undergoing treatment, 16 patients have been discharged, there have been a total of 4 fatal cases,” Olga Dolgoshapko said.

The Minister calls on the residents of the Republic to keep the rules of personal hygiene and in-home self-isolation and avoid mass gatherings, as the coronavirus infection is of airborne nature. Take care of your relatives aged 65 and older, provide them with necessary foodstuffs, medications and personal hygiene items so they can stay home.