Five more COVID-19 cases were registered in the DPR during the last 24 hours, the DPR Ministry of Health reports on May 7.

Two citizens who recently arrived from the Russian Federation were tested positive for COVID-19. The other cases of coronavirus are persons who contacted those infected earlier, including one medical worker. All patients are getting the necessary medical care.

A total of 147 cases have been registered and confirmed in the DPR. 125 patients are undergoing treatment, 18 fully recovered and were discharged, and 4 fatal cases have been registered in total.

Minister of Health Olga Dolgoshapko calls on the residents of the Republic to keep the rules of personal hygiene and in-home self-isolation and avoid mass gatherings, as the coronavirus infection is of airborne nature. Take care of your relatives aged 65 and older, provide them with necessary foodstuffs, medications and personal hygiene items so they can stay home.

Should the first signs of any acute viral respiratory illness occur, such as fever, cough, rhinitis, and, above all, shortness of breath, you must immediately call a doctor from home. Depending on the symptoms, the doctor will decide whether to allow the patient to be treated at home or hospitalize them. Remember, self-medication is dangerous for your health!