The DPR Health Ministry believes that it is premature to open checkpoints at the line of contact because of the unfavorable epidemiological situation in Ukraine. The data voiced by the Ukrainian side on the number of cases of the coronavirus infection in the territory of the former Donetsk region temporarily controlled by Kiev are not quite reliable, DPR Minister of Health Olga Dolgoshapko stated on June 10 during the briefing in Donetsk.

“Our borders are closed, there have been 750 cases of the coronavirus infection registered for today, 30 of them fatal. This shows that the infection is spreading,” she said.

The DPR Health Minister believes that Ukraine deliberately understates or hides the number of citizens infected, without revealing the real epidemiological situation to the public.

“In this regard, we cannot yet open the border with Ukraine. Similarly, the borders with the LPR and Russia have been closed. If we now, amid this situation, open the border with Ukraine, we might get uncontrolled proliferation of the coronavirus infection,” the DPR Minister of Health stated.