Наблюдатели СММ ОБСЕ в своих ежедневных отчетах за прошедшую неделю зафиксировали большое количество техники и тяжелых вооружений ВФУ вблизи линии соприкосновения. При этом подавляющее большинство обнаруженной техники находилось на железнодорожных станциях или вблизи них.

Так, в отчете СММ ОБСЕ по состоянию на 11.03.2019 г. задокументировано нахождение большого количества танков в Затишном, находящемся всего в 7,5 километрах от железнодорожной станции Хлебодаровка:

В отчете по состоянию на 14.03.2019 г. наблюдатели миссии зафиксировали нахождение тяжелого вооружения и техники и в других населенных пунктах, в том числе в непосредственной близости от линии соприкосновения и на железнодорожных станциях:

А в отчете по состоянию на 17.03.2019 г. представители СММ ОБСЕ отметили подвоз значительного количества тяжелых вооружений на железнодорожные станции, расположенные на южном направлении, а также нахождение таких вооружений вблизи данных станций:

Только в период с 11 по 17 марта наблюдатели миссии задокументировали наличие 97 единиц техники и тяжелого вооружения ВФУ, находящихся в нарушение установленных линий отвода и вне выделенных мест хранения вооружения. Активизация подвоза такого количества техники всего лишь за неделю свидетельствует о продолжающейся подготовке Киева к новым провокациям.

Данные факты еще раз подтверждают, что вооруженные формирования Украины продолжают нарушать ограничения по размещению военной техники вблизи линии соприкосновения, предусмотренные Минскими соглашениями.

The OSCE SMM monitors registered a large number of equipment and heavy armaments of the AFU near the contact line in their daily reports over the past week. At the same time, the vast majority of the reveled equipment was located at the railway stations or near them.

Thus, in the report of the OSCE SMM as of February 11th, 2019, the presence of a large number of tanks in Zatishnoye was documented, which is located just 7.5 kilometers from the railway station of Khlebodarovka:

Armaments located beyond the withdrawal lines, but outside the designated storage areas for the armaments
Government controlled areas
March 9th
Mini-UAV of the SMM detected 24 tanks (T-64) and approximately 2000 ammunition boxes (125 mm caliber), as well as 2 anti-aircraft missile systems (9K35 Strela-10) near Zatishnoye (64 km south-west of Donetsk).

In the report, as of March 14th, 2019, the Mission’s monitors detected the presence of heavy weapons and equipment in other localities, including in the immediate vicinity of the contact line and at railway stations:

Withdrawal of weapons
The SMM continued to monitor the withdrawal of weapons provided for by the Memorandum, as well as the Complex of Measures and its Supplement.
Armament deployed in violation of the withdrawal lines
Government controlled areas
March 12th
Short-range UAV of the SMM detected 1 mortar (of unknown type) in Peski (11 km north-west of Donetsk).

Armament located beyond the withdrawal lines, but outside the designated storage areas for the armaments
Government controlled areas
March 14th
The SMM UAV of short range found 6 towed mortars (2B9 Vasilyok, 82mm) at the railway station in Konstantinovka (60 km north of Donetsk).
The SMM recorded:
10 tanks (T-72) at the railway station in Khlebodarovka (65 km south-west of Donetsk): and
1 anti-aircraft missile system (9K33 Osa) near Paraskovievka (75 km north of Donetsk).

And in the report as of February 17th, 2019, the OSCE SMM representatives noted the delivery of a significant number of heavy weapons to railway stations located in the south, as well as the presence of such weapons near these stations:

Withdrawal of weapons
The SMM continued to monitor the withdrawal of weapons provided for by the Memorandum, as well as the Complex of Measures and its Supplement.
Armament deployed in violation of the withdrawal lines
Government controlled areas
March 16th
The SMM recorded:
6 multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS; BM-21 Grad, 122mm) in the territory of the object in Rovnopol (65 km south-west of Donetsk).

Armament located beyond the withdrawal lines, but outside the designated storage areas of armament
Government controlled areas
March 16th
The SMM recorded:
14 self-propelled howitzers (2S1 Gvozdika, 122mm) near the railway station in Khlebodarovka (65 km south-west of Donetsk); and
14 MLRS (6M-21) loaded onto platform wagons and 14 towed howitzers (D-20, 152mm) at the railway station in Zachatovka (74 km southwest of Donetsk).

Only between 11th and 17th of March, the Mission’s monitors documented the presence of 97 units of equipment and heavy armaments of the AFU that are deployed in violation of the established withdrawal lines and outside the designated weapons storage sites. The intensification of the supply of such a quantity of equipment in just a week indicates the continuing preparation of Kiev for new provocations.

These facts once again confirm that the armed forces of Ukraine continue to violate the restrictions on the deployment of military equipment near the line of contact provided for by the Minsk Agreements.