To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, there is a new museum being formed in Donetsk, the Room of Memory under the auspices of the Directorate for Social Support of Retired Military and Patriotic Education under the DPR Head. It has exhibits devoted to the Great Patriotic War and today’s war in Donbass. The museum’s collection is now being put together, a correspondent of the DPR Official Website reports.

Roman Rogul, the chief of the Military and Patriotic Education Department of the Directorate for Social Support of Retired Military and Patriotic Education under the DPR Head, shared his view on the tasks the new museum has been charged with.

“We have a really rich military history. We plan to cover such important events as the Crimean War and the heroic defense of Sevastopol, World War I. We are now forming the museum’s collection to display those wars. Children should know what the Homeland and its defense mean, how important it is. We must bring up a decent generation,” Roman Rogul said.

Vladimir Kononov, the chief of the Directorate for Social Support of Retired Military and Patriotic Education under the DPR Head, added,

“The premises have been specially allocated to form a museum of two wars: the Great Patriotic War and the present war in Donbass. Schoolchildren and cadets, military and lyceum students have already begun to visit it, we conduct tours for them. Patriots of their Homeland work here and are planning a series of events for this year. They will be dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. We started preparing for this event in 2019 in advance, because one of the areas of activity in our directorate is patriotic education, so that the achievements of our grandfathers and great grandfathers will be remembered for the ages. At that, we do not allow distorting the history.”

The museum displays military uniforms soldiers wore before and after 1943), personal belongings of soldiers, war decorations, components of combat aircraft, Soviet shells, as well as the traces of the war that began in Donbass in 2014: a Ukrainian drone, a plaque from the Donetsk airport and much more.

Thanks to the visual evidence of the heroic past, visitors can vividly and clearly see the pages of military history of their Homeland.