17:37 05.03.2020 | DPR Official site


[17:37 | 5 Mar 2020]
The new Ukrainian government is keeping on the political course aimed at rehabilitating Nazism, and desovietization — Vlamidir Medvedev
[17:18 | 5 Mar 2020]
New technologies to improve the quality of drinking water have been announced in Donetsk
[16:12 | 5 Mar 2020]
Agriculture build-up measures are under way in the Republic — DPR Revenues and Taxes Minister
[16:08 | 5 Mar 2020]
Public activists organized an entertainment for children from a frontline district
[15:16 | 5 Mar 2020]
A criminal proceeding has been initiated for a woman’s wounding in Dokuchayevsk
[12:44 | 5 Mar 2020]
The AFU fired at the Republic territory with mortars, ATGM, grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms — DPR PMD
[10:22 | 5 Mar 2020]
The AFU engaged mortars and an ATGM at the Republic’s territory — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[09:57 | 5 Mar 2020]
Consequences of the AFU’s firing on Dokuchayevsk
[09:26 | 5 Mar 2020]
Residents of a frontline village have been provided with essential medications
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