All residents of the Republic are concerned today about the coronavirus infection which has spread worldwide. In an interview with a correspondent of the DPR Official Website, DPR Chief Medical Officer and Chief of Staff of the Republican Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service Miroslava Romanenko spoke about the situation in our country and about the measures for preventing coronavirus.

“The new coronavirus is under-researched, therefore neither specific treatment nor immuno-preventive measures have yet been developed. For these reasons, widespread concern has arisen globally.

The basic symptoms of this disease are dry cough and body temperature rise. Elderly people are especially affected by this virus. Coronavirus causes specific pneumonia. Individuals with respiratory system disorders can also get these pneumonia, which progress with considerable complications.

Wash your hands and face with soap after visiting public places. Be sure to use disinfectant wipes. Along with that, this is an airborne infection and the virus can survive on all surfaces for a certain period of time, therefore it is necessary to air out the premises more often, to wet mop all surfaces, disinfectants may be used. A multi-channel hotline has been opened under the DPR Ministry of Health: 303-27-72. Anyone can call this number and report their symptoms.

The Health Ministry has specified a list of medical institutions, to which there will be admitted individuals suspected of carrying this infection,” Miroslava Romanenko said.

She also noted that the individuals, who had arrived in the DPR from the affected countries and were suspected of carrying the coronavirus infection, have been tested negative for this disease. But they will remain under medical surveillance for 14 days and then will be tested again. To date, 13 persons have been tested for coronavirus infection, and all the tests came back negative.