20:16 13.11.2019 | DPR Official site


[20:16 | 13 Nov 2019]
Emergency statement from the DPR People’s Militia Directorate
[20:14 | 13 Nov 2019]
Ukraine may lose the status of an agriculture-based state in the near future — DPR People’s Council deputy
[19:12 | 13 Nov 2019]
A civilian got wounded in AFU shelling — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[16:11 | 13 Nov 2019]
Prosecutor General’s Office investigates a criminal case on the wounding of a man in Gorlovka
[15:13 | 13 Nov 2019]
AFU engaged the Republic on all fronts, there is damage — DPR PMD
[14:53 | 13 Nov 2019]
Demining activities in the disengagement area in Petrovskoye have begun — Ruslan Yakubov
[14:46 | 13 Nov 2019]
Kiev regime is ready to destroy those who disagree, deport undesirables and forcibly inculcate Ukrainian — Vladislav Berdichevsky
[14:33 | 13 Nov 2019]
Eight localities came under AFU fire — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[14:00 | 13 Nov 2019]
Emergency statement from the DPR People’s Militia Directorate
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