17:46 19.11.2019 | DPR Official site


[17:46 | 19 Nov 2019]
The Ukrainian party’s foiled mine clearance in Petrovskoye — Ruslan Yakubov
[17:30 | 19 Nov 2019]
The only plan to resolve the Donbass conflict lies in the Minsk Agreements — DPR People’s Council deputy
[17:06 | 19 Nov 2019]
Ukraine will sooner or later be held accountable for everything it has done in Donbass — DPR People’s Council deputy
[16:10 | 19 Nov 2019]
Over 10 thousand people received assistance from the United Donbass Fund
[15:13 | 19 Nov 2019]
The AFU are firing from previously disengaged positions on the Petrovskoye-Bogdanovka site — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[14:57 | 19 Nov 2019]
The AFU violated the ceasefire thirteen times over the past day — DPR PMD
[12:44 | 19 Nov 2019]
Eight Republic’s localities came under AFU fire — the DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
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