The Ukrainian state continues to surprise us with the tenacity with which servants of the presidential office fail to publish the correct version of the final communique on their web resource, DPR Foreign Minister Natalya Nikonorova stated.

“It is not enough that the office of president Zelensky attempted to tamper with the Ukrainian text, but it turns out that the official English version of the communique has never been published. Instead of taking this official version of the communique from the website of the Élysée Palace, the Ukrainian officials decided to show either creativity or negligence and posted the text they translated from Ukrainian into English on the website of the Ukrainian president’s office.

Thus, instead of the officially agreed communique in the language in which the talks were conducted, the Ukrainian authorities published a low-quality and distorted translation. We do not know whether this was done for the purpose of deliberate tampering or because of blatant incompetence. However, whatever the cause of the incident, we call on Kiev to immediately post on all official Ukrainian resources the only correct version of the communique agreed by all the participants in the Paris meeting,” Natalya Nikonorova stated.