On Monday of January 27, representatives of the Afghanistan Veterans Russian Union Naslediye [Heritage] All-Russian Public Youth Patriotic Organization from Moscow and Astrakhan took part in events dedicated to the Year of the Great Victory in Khartsyzsk with the assistance of the Russian Center. According to a correspondent of the DPR Official Website, the Russian public activists’ visit to the Donetsk People’s Republic is dedicated to the formation of interaction and patriotic education of the youth.

As part of the visit, Chairman of the Central Board of the Afghanistan Veterans Russian Union Naslediye [Heritage] All-Russian Public Youth Patriotic Organization Vitaly Sheremetiev and Chairman of the Board of the Volgograd and Astrakhan Regional Youth Public Organization for Immortalizing the Memory of Defenders of the Fatherland Denis Kashirin visited School 5, where they took part in an event dedicated to the days of Russia’s military glory: the Day of Liberation from the Leningrad Siege and International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The Russian public activists also conducted a themed class for the pupils and visited the school museum, where they were acquainted with exhibits of the Great Patriotic War and today’s war in Donbass. During the tour, the School Principal and teacher of history Vitaly Pestretsov gave the delegates history textbooks, which are written in the DPR, as a present.

Besides, the Russian delegates visited the Children’s and Youth Creativity Center of Khartsyzsk, where they took part in the meeting featuring representatives of the town council, high school students, members of the Military Patriotic Movement Young Guard — Yunarmiya and Afghan soldiers. Also, the activists had a themed conversation devoted to the anniversary of the withdrawal of the Soviet troops from Afghanistan and visited the Military Glory Museum of the partisan detachment called “For the Motherland”.

Note that the events dedicated to the Year of the Great Victory were organized by the administration of Khartsyzsk with the assistance of the Donetsk Republic Public Movement. They started on January 22 and will be held in Zugrez, Ilovaysk, Zuyevka and Troitsko-Khartsyzsk.

“Patriotism classes are conducted regularly, great attention is paid to the upbringing of children, children grow up educated, literate and know their history,” Mayor of Khartsyzsk Victoria Zhukova said.

According to Chairman of the Central Board of the Afghanistan Veterans Russian Union Naslediye [Heritage] All-Russian Public Youth Patriotic Organization Vitaly Sheremetiev, they are doing serious work on patriotic education of the DPR youth.

“That’s no small feat when the kids talk about their relatives and friends, participants of the Great Patriotic War and the war in Donbass. Children and the youth of the Donetsk People’s Republic are true patriots of their country, they will never give away their land to anyone,” Vitaly Sheremetiev said.

Chairman of the Board of the Volgograd and Astrakhan Regional Youth Public Organization for Immortalizing the Memory of Defenders of the Fatherland Denis Kashirin noted the great importance of creating conditions for comprehensive work with the youth.

“Nowadays, Russia actively establishes organizations that study the history and monitor the accuracy of the information provided, lessons of courage are conducted, children go to various places and participate in memory watch standings. The DPR youth is undoubtedly experiencing events in Donbass very hard. It is very important that they always remember their heroes and take pride in their feat,” said Denis Kashirin.

According to Principal of School 5 Vitaly Pestretsov, knowing the history of the country is essential to the formation of mindset and civic stance of a person, therefore the Republic pays great attention to the quality of education of the youth. In particular, the DPR has made a history textbook for pupils of the 5th and 11th grades, which is approved by the DPR Ministry of Education and Science, which gives our pupils the opportunity to get comprehensive information about the true historical events.