During the press conference in Donetsk, DPR Minister of Health Olga Dolgoshapko, Director of the Sanitary and Epidemiological State Service Dmitry Klishkan, Chief of the Sanitary and Epidemiological State Service’s Epidemiological Surveillance Office Andrey Samisko and external chief expert on infectious diseases Victoria Medvedeva reported on the epidemiological situation in the Republic, including the coronavirus from China, as well as the methods of prevention of viral and acute respiratory diseases, a correspondent of the DPR Official Website reported on January 30.

“The summary data from the state-run media and websites of local municipalities of Chinese regions confirm that as of January 29, the total number of cases registered is 5,999, 132 fatal outcomes, 104 people discharged. The total number of cases confirmed in the world is 6,064. The risk of being exposed to the coronavirus disease outside China is very small and associated with prolonged contacts with the diseased.

The epidemiological situation in the DPR and adjacent territories of Russia is stable. No cases of pneumonia caused by 2019-nCoV have been reported in the Republic. At the moment, activities provided for by the infection prevention plan are ongoing. There is no direct connection between us and China, that is, all routes of communication go through the territory of the Russian Federation, where all measures against the virus have been taken,” Dmitry Klishkan stressed.

They also noted that the Ministry had already formed a coordinating group that monitors the situation in the country on a daily basis. Hospital facilities are being prepared, training workshops for specialists are being conducted, a roadmap is being elaborated with detailed instructions for cooperation between DPR healthcare institutions in the event if cases of coronavirus are registered.

In addition, the Republic is currently undergoing another season of ARVI and influenza heightened risk, so it is necessary to keep hygiene rules, avoid prolonged close contacts with the diseased and immediately see a doctor in case of the symptom expression.

According to the epidemiologic and virologic monitoring, h1n1 pandemic influenza is circulating in the DPR territory, its possible aggravation is expected in mid-February this year.

At the end of the press conference, Olga Dolgoshapko summed up the aforesaid and assured that the DPR Health Ministry had taken all the necessary measures to restrain and prevent the epidemiological situation in the Republic, including the coronavirus.

“The whole world is checking for updates about the situation of coronavirus in the People’s Republic of China. We also do not sit idle but are taking all measures not to let this virus in our country. In addition, it is necessary to carry out annual vaccinations against season-related viruses. This year, before the outbreak of the seasonal ARVI epidemic, one hundred thousand citizens have been vaccinated in the Republic and, according to the reports, almost no cases of the disease have been registered among those who were vaccinated,” she added.

Recall that the outbreak of coronavirus 2019-nCoV pneumonia has been reported in the world since late last year. In this regard, the DPR Ministry of Health made a guide on the prevention of diseases caused by coronavirus, and also formed a coordinating group that monitors the situation in the Republic and by its borders on a daily basis.