Lawsuits in the European Court of Human Rights for a total of 72 million rubles have been drawn up by residents of Akhmatovoy Street in the village of Kominternovo, the Novoazovsky District, the Chairperson of the Public Commission for the Assessment of Economic Damage Caused by Ukraine, Anastasia Butorkina, reported.

“In the course of hostilities, more than 800 private residential buildings sustained damage of varying degrees in the Novoazovsky district due to the AFU attacks. Kominternovo village was damaged most, especially Akhmatovoy Street, located on the outskirts of the village close to the contact line. Appeals from residents of this street were considered at a meeting of the Commission,” Anastasia Butorkina said.

Notably, before the outbreak of hostilities, 149 persons had lived in 71 private residential buildings in Akhmatovoy Street of Kominternovo village. Since the start of hostilities, in this street there have been completely destroyed or burned down 21 residential buildings, all buildings have sustained damage: 11 have received significant damage (bearing walls, roofing, ceilings, windows, doors and power supply system have been damaged) and 39 have been partially destroyed (roofing, walls and windows have been damaged). To date, 40 people are living in Akhmatovoy Street.

“The total amount of damages caused to the territorial community of the village of Kominternovo and residents of houses in Akhmatovoy Street makes approximately 72 million rubles,” the Chairperson of the Public Commission said.

The Public Commission for the Assessment of Economic Damage Caused by Ukraine was established in Donetsk in November 2019. Such a decision was made by an initiative group of DPR and LPR residents at a public meeting.