Zelensky has ended up between the Republican hammer and the Democratic anvil, DPR People’s Council deputy Vladislav Berdichevsky stated.

“By the will of fate, the Ukrainian issue has been dragged into the presidential election campaign in the US. The Democratic Party initiated the impeachment of President Trump after the record of his phone conversation with Zelensky was made public. For his part, Donald Trump intends to use materials related to the Ukrainian government’s involvement in the previous presidential election. In this situation, Zelensky and his team have found themselves between the hammer and the anvil.

The lesson from Poroshenko, who supported only the Democratic Party’s candidate, takes its toll for Zelensky. Now the official position of Ukraine is to support both parties. However, if Trump wins, Zelensky risks provoking his handler’s anger. After all, it was the telephone conversation with Zelensky that caused the scandal.

Mike Pompeo made it clear to the Ukrainian president that he need to fight corruption. But according to Trump, the main corrupt official in Ukraine is Joe Biden, the main rival in the upcoming presidential run. Poroshenko’s fate proved that Donald Trump remembers very well those who backed his rivals. It is quite likely that Trump will win the upcoming US presidential run, so Zelensky is not to be envied,” Vladislav Berdichevsky said.