All those involved in the coup d’état in Ukraine in 2014 will have to answer for their crimes, DPR People’s Council deputy Elena Shishkina stated.

“Ex-president Poroshenko and the politicians who overthrew legitimate president Yanukovich will be investigated, which US president Donald Trump intends to initiate.

The US channel One America News showed a film, Impeachment. Biden’s Money. Massacres, by Trump’s ex-advisor Michael Caputo. The 50-minute film is primarily devoted to the events in Ukraine in 2014. The author of the documentary draws a parallel between the coup d’état in Kiev and the attempt to impeach Trump. Moreover, Michael Caputo says that “President Trump is going to initiate the investigations. And he has reasons to do so.”

The perpetrators of the coup d’état in Kiev expected their handlers from the United States to protect them, thus avoiding a fair punishment. However, President Trump is not just not going to defend them, but, on the contrary, intends to investigate the events of 2014 in Ukraine.

Let me remind you that since the beginning of 2014, public activists of the Donetsk People’s Republic have been documenting war crimes of the Kiev regime. This allowed forming the Ukrainian People’s Tribunal in spring 2018 to investigate the war crimes that Poroshenko’s regime committed against the citizens of Ukraine. The Tribunal was founded by an initiative group of Ukrainian citizens, including professional lawyers. It was conducted in accordance with Ukrainian criminal procedure laws and international law.

Already on June 22, 2018 in the city of Lugansk at the Nationwide Assembly, the composition of the Tribunal declared a sentence against 8 defendants: Petro Poroshenko, Alexander Turchinov, Andrei Parubiy, Stepan Poltorak, Viktor Muzhenko, Vladimir Groysman, Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Arsen Avakov.

Based on the Tribunal’s verdict, Poroshenko, Turchinov, Parubiy, Avakov are sentenced to life imprisonment with confiscation of all their personal property.

Poltorak and Muzhenko are sentenced to life imprisonment with confiscation of all their personal property, with deprivation of the military rank General Colonel of the Army of Ukraine.

Groysman and Yatsenyuk are sentenced to life imprisonment, with confiscation of all their personal property.

I am sure that all the decisions made will help to bring the Ukrainian Nazis to justice and will serve as a venue for international courts to investigate the crimes of the Ukrainian government against the people of Donbass.

It is also high time that president Zelensky thought about his future,” Shishkina stated.