Kiev is not inclined to settle the conflict in the Donbass territory peacefully, Adviser to the Head of the Donetsk Republic Public Movement’s Central Executive Committee Andrey Bedilo commented.

“The absence of pacifist current in Kiev is evidenced by the statement of Ukraine’s Defense Minister Andrey Zagorodnyuk, who said that in the near-future plans would call for building two military bases according to NATO standards — in Mariupol and Severodonetsk.

In other words, de-escalation of the conflict is not only not expected, but vice versa — the Ukrainian party is preparing to enhance its military presence in the region. Given the fact that Zagorodnyuk, a former Oxford volunteer and graduate, came to the ministerial post with Zelensky’s team, it must be assumed that his statements fully reflect the president’s official position.

This means that all Zelensky’s campaign promises and eloquent inaugural speeches regarding the establishment of peace in the territory of Donbass as the priority task, which won over the Ukrainian voters, turned out to be nothing more than another hoax.

Self-interest prevailed over conscience. Apparently, over the past six months Zelensky and his team have quite successfully mastered Poroshenko’s criminal schemes of profiting from the war, therefore its completion has ceased to be expedient. Other explanations for changing his policy vector and rhetoric’s nature should hardly be sought.

But I would like to remind Zelensky, Zagorodnyuk and other Soros’s hangers-on that they are bound not with promises to the people alone, but also with international responsibility. After all, it was Zelensky, albeit with obvious reluctance, who put his signature on the final communiqué of the Normandy Four summit in Paris, reaffirming the obligations to implement the Minsk Agreements enshrined in the UN Security Council resolution.

Therefore, when the time comes to flee from their own people, who will one day hold their president accountable for all the troubles brought through his rule, the world will also be closed for Zelensky, because there will be no fewer questions to him,” Andrey Bedilo said.