The situation of Ukraine’s industry is verging on catastrophe, DPR People’s Council deputy Roman Lepa stated.

“What is really has happened in Ukraine is its deindustrialization. If after the collapse of the Soviet Union the Ukrainian SSR was one of the most economically developed republics, where high added value industries prevailed, now, according to the Ukrainian media, raw materials and semi-finished products predominate in the structure of exports, making 76 percent.

For the last year alone, the decline in the export of engineering products of industrial groups made 8.8 percent, the export of iron-and-steel products fell by 11.1 percent. A while ago, Zelensky talked about the “avalanche of investments” that would cover Ukraine. However, they created no proper conditions for investors, infrastructure has not been built, corruption is running rampant, as well as nationalism, which as we know, “is above the law.” Under such circumstances, investments won’t come in to Kiev for years.

I want to highlight that such a situation has been created in Ukraine intentionally. IMF, WCO, financial structures of Soros have done everything to destroy high-tech industries of Ukraine. Aircraft engineering, electronics, car industry are on the verge of destruction. Machine-building and other high value-added industries have been cutting their production year by year.

International financiers need no competitors, they need markets. Since they are the ones who handle the government in Ukraine, they will not allow developing the industry. But founding a new ministry that will feed another group of officials — they can do that, it does not pose threat to transnational capital. Until Ukraine cleans itself and sorts out the mess in the political arena, it will not be able to pursue an economic policy independent of international capital, and no ministries will help them,” Roman Lepa stated.