The enemy is not desisting from its efforts to destabilize the situation on the contact line and to this end continues to increase the intensity of provocative shelling of the territory of our Republic, an emergency statement from the DPR People’s Militia Directorate says.

Ukrainian militants from the 28th brigade, at the orders of war criminal Marchenko, opened targeted fire with an IFV at Alexandrovka. As a result of the firing, there was damaged a current school at 171 Lenina Street.

Further information on the damage caused to civil infrastructure and casualties among civilians is being specified.

These ceasefire violations have also been recorded by DPR representatives to the JCCC.

The purposeful destruction of the Republic’s civil infrastructure through regular attacks is a confirmation of the hypocritical promises given by Ukraine’s authorities. In a week, this is the second case when damage is caused to schools due to the AFU aggression.

It should be noted that the targeted fire launched by AFU militants at the civil infrastructure of our Republic coincides in time with the arrival of Ukrainian TV crews at their positions, their work being coordinated by officers of the Joint Forces Operation Staff press service and Centers for Information and Psychological Operations. The militants pursue the one and only goal — to record the return fire opened by the People’s Militia military personnel and fudge evidence of aggression on the part of our defenders.

We note that the armed formations of Ukraine continue to adhere to vile tactics and, hiding behind the backs of women and children, launch insidious attacks on the vital objects of our Republic.

All the evidence of the firing will be provided to representatives of international organizations based in the Republic, along with the DPR Prosecutor General’s Office for criminal proceedings to be initiated against AFU brigade commander Marchenko.

We urge the OSCE SMM international observers to focus on the Ukrainian armed formations’ aggression against the Donetsk People’s Republic and force the Ukrainian leadership to comply with the agreements reached with a view to prevent another bloodshed in the long-suffering land of Donbass.