Ukrainian militants engaged eighteen populated localities of the Republic over the past week, having violated the ceasefire fifty-five times, Deputy Commander of the Operational Command Colonel Eduard Basurin reported at the briefing in Donetsk on March 27.

The enemy again violated the ceasefire, having fired one hundred and thirty-six 120mm and 82mm mortar shells, one hundred and eighty-five rounds with various rocket launchers and one anti-tank guided missile on the territory of the Republic. Four people were injured, including a child born 2007, during the firing. Also, an officer from the DPR Representative Office to the JCCC was wounded while ensuring the security and safety of the repair work to power lines.

Sixteen houses and civil infrastructure facilities are damaged in Gorlovka, Signalnoye, Aleksandrovka, Staromikhaylovka, the village of Trudovskaya Mine (Donetsk).

All information with attached photo and video content has been sent to representatives of international organizations stationed in the Republic, and also to the Prosecutor General’s Office to initiate criminal cases against the war criminals who give orders to engage localities of the Republic: brigade commanders Kaschenko, Marchenko, Mishanchuk, Kokorev, Shapovalov, Goncharuk and Zubanich.