The Minister for Civil Defense, Emergencies Management and Disaster Control, General Lieutenant of Civil Defense Alexey Kostrubitsky and Minister of Health Olga Dolgoshapko held a joint briefing in Donetsk on May 5. According to a correspondent of the DPR Official Website, they summed up the comprehensive exercises of governing bodies and forces of the DPR Unified State System for Emergencies Management.

“The drills were conducted in accordance with the action plan on preventing the coronavirus proliferation in the Republic. The ministries, agencies and local administrations were training to cooperate in case of rapid escalation of the epidemiological situation. Officers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were deploying a hospital camp. Also, the personnel conducted drills for responding to emergency situations of medical and biological nature. Emergencies Ministry units coped with the tasks in full.

For the duration of the activities, the Ministry of Emergency Situations involved 69 stand-in units, 542 personnel, 21 units of equipment,” Minister for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Alexey Kostrubitsky told.

The minister also added that the units were also engaged in decontamination of vehicles and disinfection of premises and facilities.

“Medical workers conducted exercises in aiding the population in case of the proliferation. Medical workers of various specialties were involved in the drills, they were training to take samples from patients to rule out false test results, as well as other activities. This is the first time the Ministry of Health participated in such a comprehensive exercise,” Olga Dolgoshapko noted.