The Servant of the People faction held a meeting in the Ukrainian parliament, where they were discussing the draft law on land turnover. Non-indifferent citizens of the Republic expressed their opinions on this issue.

“The law on the Ukrainian land market will just put price tags all over Ukraine by parts. The president announces a large sale of perhaps the only possession of this country, so the Servants of the People, or rather Zelensky’s servants, supported this land fraud by a majority vote. Zelensky never cared for how the citizens of Ukraine would live with all his “genius” initiatives and laws, but he did not forget to discuss many other things, which are not specified, directly at the meeting of the faction. Probably, they were sharing the profits from this fraud, otherwise, why would they do all that? It’s for the money.

Unfortunately, among ordinary Ukrainians there are still many who delude themselves and trust Zelensky, take his hypocritical speeches in public at face value. Well, it’s going to be more hurtful when they find out that the clown president sold them out along with the land,” student from Donetsk Maria Sedonovskaya commented.

Coalminer Dmitri Protsev believes that Zelensky does not trust the Servants of the People, so he personally saw to it that the voting on the land market draft law was accurate.

“Apparently, the president can’t wait to sell out Ukraine piece by peace and fly away somewhere warm with stolen money. Naturally, the faction supported the draft law almost unanimously! Of course, they would vote for anything under the watch of their handlers.

Zelensky acts too dirty regarding that land market, his real intentions are obvious. He cares nothing for ordinary Ukrainians, who are forced to live with those laws. He is only worried about his own wellbeing,” the resident from Donetsk added.